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form-fluid: kunst im Thermalbad
Art Direction for the exhibition & events in 5 cycles
with Kathrin Doppler from Bagno Popolare & different artists or
art colectives
Thermalbath Bagno Popolare, Bad zum Raben, Baden (CH)
From 1 October 2022 until 20 Mai 2023
Co-Curation for each cycle
1 - Körper / body 1.10. - 30.10.2022 with BiglerWeibel
2 - Spielen / play 12.11. - 17.12.2022 with PEFORM PERFORM
3 - Selbst /self 14.1. - 25.2.2023 with Dany Petermann
4 - Gesundheit / health 11.3. - 8.4.2023 with Maya Minder & Lisa Biedlingmaier
5 - Wissenschaft / science 22.4. - 20.5.2023 with ZHdK Master Transdisciplinary & science+fiction
Opening Hours:
Thursday 4 - 8 pm
Saturday 4 - 8 pm
Sunday 2 - 6 pm
Bad zum Raben
Kurplatz 3B
5400 Baden
Grafic Design: Lea Huser - 6 posters and flyers

Form-Fluid: Wissenschaft / sCience
Co-Art Direction for the exhibition & events
with Eirini Sourgiadaki (ZHdK Transdisciplinary, Zürich), Kathrin Doppler (Bagno Popolare, Baden), & David Bucheli (Science + Fiction, Basel)
22.04. - 20.05.23
with: Students from the ZHdK Transdisciplinary Workshop, Kollektiv Ansichtssache
Graphic Design: Lea Huser / Pictures: Nicolas Petit & David Bucheli

Form-Fluid: GESUNDHEIt / health
Co-Art Direction for the exhibition & events
with Maya Minder & Lisa Biedlingmaier
11.03. - 08.04.23
with: Maya Minder / Lisa Biedlingmaier / Lydia Xynogala / Fabre
Graphic Design: Lea Huser / Pictures: Nicolas Petit

Form-Fluid: SElbst / Self
Co-Art Direction for the exhibition & events
with Dany Petermann Boulala
14.01. - 25.02.23
with: Dany Petermann Boulala / Laurent Güdel / Milena Ioset / Boris Rodrigues / Siselabonga / Louis Jucker & Ripopée
Graphic Design: Lea Huser / Pictures: Nicolas Petit

Form-Fluid: Spielen / Play
Co-Art Direction for the exhibition & events
with PEFORM PERFORM (Gionata Morganti & Margaux Huber
12.11. - 17.12.22
with: Arunà Canevascini / Danaé Clozza / Samuel Patthey
Giuliana Gjorgjevski / Yadin Bernauer / Emma Bertuchoz / Alma Catin / OIL Productions / Tethys Ceramics / Sappho‘s Drama / Nathalie Froehlich & Yanneck / Nina Seumer
Graphic Design: Lea Huser / Pictures: Nicolas Petit

Form:Fluid - körper / body
Co-Art Direction for the exhibition & events with BiglerWeibel
immersive art exhibition, concerts & performances
1.10. - 29.10.2022, Bad zum Raben, BADEN (CH)
with: BiglerWeibel, Studio Mercedes, Magda Drozd
Graphic Design: Lea Huser / Pictures Lea Huser

the touch
of things II
16.10. - 11.12.2021, Bad zum Raben, BADEN
Co-Art Direction between Perform Perform & Bagno Popolare
immersive art exhibition & performances
with: Antonia Meier & Charlotte Oeken / Lucia Schmid / Victoria Papagni, tobibienz & Rea Dubach / Barbara Curti / Arielle Tarzia / Anna Zinniker / Celia Längle / Jana Maria Dohmann / Kollektiv Schleuse / Pia Matthes / Aline Stalder / Lena Schmid & Silvan Jäger / Francesca Scalisi & Stefania Bona, STUDIO FUMO, Johanna Heusser & Olivia Ronzani, Zooey Agro & Rahel Hutter
Graphic Design: Martin Heynen / Pictures: Lea Huser

the touch
of things I
27.3. - 29.5.2021, Bad zum Raben, BADEN
Co-Art Direction between Perform Perform & bagno popolare
with: Jeremias Bucher | Angela Malina Weber | Jeanine Burkard | Luca Harlacher | Reto Lingg | Nikola Antolkovic | Stefan Gräfe & Julius Kerstan | Andrea Cindy Raemy | Vera Mühlebach |
Tosca Aimée Weber | Sara Koller | Isabel Lerchmüller
Graphic Design : Martin Heynen / Pictures : Lea Huser

artcore tsnuk fest
11.- 12.9.2020, Fri-son FRIBOURG
Co-Art Direction between Perform Perform & Fri-Son.
Artists: Nina Winiger | Dany Petermann | Samuel Patthey | Sara Koller | Melanie Meystre & Camille Lepage | Colin Raynal | Rada Leu | Erde & Praktikant | Marlijn Karsten & Cécile Baumgartner | Natascha Moschini
Graphic Design : Gionata Morganti / Pictures : Manuela Luterbacher

1.2.- 10.2.2019, One Of A Million Musikfestival, BADEN
Art Direction of the temporary art space
with: Jeanine Burkard, Nik Antolkovic, Eveline Salzgeber, Boskovic-Scarth
Graphic Design : bureau condrau / Pictures: Manuela Luterbacher

30.11.2018, ROYAL BADEN
Art Direction of the event to empower women in art and music
with Pamela Méndez, Totem Nevada & DJ Mo
Graphic Design: Martin Heynen

21.04.2018, ROYAL BADEN
Art Direction of the event to empower women in art and music
with Kassette, I Made You A Tape, Femme Feuillage, Andrina Habib
Graphic Design : Manuela Luterbacher
30.03.2018, ROYAL BADEN
Art Direction of the event to support performance art in concert places
with Philippe Wicht, Fhunyue Gao & Annalena Fröhlich, Just the Back of Jack
Graphic Design: Manuela Luterbacher
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